Ewu Gambia

“Fr, have you seen Ewu Gambia (Gambian Goat)?”

That is the question I have been receiving again and again.

Well, the answer is yes, I have seen Ewu Gambia but I was disappointed.

I was expecting Ewu Gambia to look ewu gambia-ish (you know what I mean), but No. . . Ewu is Ewu anywhere.

I decided to research how the whole Ewu Gambia thing started. It was then I saw that the name was popularized by Chief Chika Okpala MFR, popularly known as Chief Zebrudaya of the TV comedy series called New Masquerade which aired from 1983 to 1993.

Some people said what they understood him saying was “ewu ka m bia”, which is like saying in the Igbo language… “Goat, let me come.” Others said it is “ewu can beer.” Meaning, “can beer goat.”

Whichever, #EwuGambia has come to stay, and no matter what I say today, it will not change the fact that to call someone Ewu Gambia will remain one of the highest levels of neck pressing.

The only difference I noticed with the goats here is that they are never scared. When they are on the road, they won’t run as you approach. They feel you can’t do anything. Just imagine that.

Well well well, that kind of feeling that we can’t do anything is a dangerous feeling, because we can actually do something. No wonder they will get into office and not be shaken even when there are floods everywhere.

Dear friends, ewu is ewu, don’t be afraid to catch it and eat it or to chase it away. You don’t need to wait during the next February Christmas. . . (if you know you know).

Fr. Kelvin Ugwu
Fr. Kelvin Ugwu
Fr Kelvin Ugwu MSP is an influential Nigerian Catholic priest on a mission in The Gambia.

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