The problem of bad leadership will persist because


The problem of bad leadership will persist. The reason is because:

1. We are a people that forget easily. Like FFK, give us small porridge, and watch us sell even our mother to the highest bidder.

2. We are a people that are so emotionally tied to tribe and religion. For most people, even if the person is the worst of all humans, provided the person is from their tribe or religion, they can sacrifice anyone like ‘Nna anyi Sacrifice’.

3. To a large extent, religious leaders are part of the problem. In a country where no one speaks truth to power, in a country where morality is dead and no one frowns at lies or forgery or stealing anymore, to the extent that the person can be admitted in our worship grounds and accorded honour and respect, that country has lost its soul.

The present economic situation and the way the govt is handling it is breeding more poor people who may result to crime to survive. As it stands, everyone should be careful and watchful and ensure they put some measure of security in their homes. Truth is, this imposed govt is clueless. They don’t seem to know where to begin in handling the country they so desperately campaigned for. Nigeria is not Lagos. And even their handling of Lagos was a mess. But they made you believe it is the best thing that happened to humanity.

Fr. Kelvin Ugwu
Fr. Kelvin Ugwu
Fr Kelvin Ugwu MSP is an influential Nigerian Catholic priest on a mission in The Gambia.

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