What do we need government for?


Dear Inspector Mike Asukwo

At the speed of N537 Feet per second (FPS), as fired last week, the muzzle velocity as calculated using our Advanced ballistic chronographs did not get the needed target.

It was only fair that it should be increased to N617 FPS.

But as you can see from your live record of the shooting, the shot was not directly shot to target. It is too weak Sir.

This gunman may have to try at N890 feet per sec, and if it still did not hit the target, N1,000 FPS won’t be bad.

Inspector, tell him to keep trying higher shots until the shot favours me and my family as we keep mandate on your stand, sorry, stand on your mandate.

Do you copy? Over Sir!

Every one of you must ask and answer this question:


Your electricity comes from YOUR solar or generator set.
Your food comes from YOUR farm work.
Your water comes from YOUR borehole.
Your shelter comes from YOUR own roof.
Your security comes from YOUR vigilante, paid security personnel, or bulletproof cars.

Your children’s school fees… You pay in FULL
Your hospital bills… You pay in FULL
Your transportation… You pay in FULL
Fuel in your car… You pay in FULL

What really is the work of government such that you allowed them to use you, collect your hard-earned money in the name of tax, collect your natural resources from where you live, use it solely for themselves and children….buy cars, travel abroad, have all foreign doctors at their services…While you turn around to hail them, cheer them, defend them, and even make enemies with your fellow exploited citizens because of them.

What sort of slavery is this?
Are you sure you are normal?


Fr. Kelvin Ugwu
Fr. Kelvin Ugwu
Fr Kelvin Ugwu MSP is an influential Nigerian Catholic priest on a mission in The Gambia.

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